If you're not on social media --- well, I applaud you. Truly! But you may have missed some of my fantastic memes and micro-blogs (mini blog posts) that are getting positive feedback! Here are a few:

When I first saw this mountain of a monument, I was quite impressed. But that was nothing compared to the awe, reverence and respect I felt standing in front of the tomb honoring that mountain of a man.
Our Founding Fathers were special.
Our nation is special.
And I #givethanks I was born here. ❤️🤍💙

We keep saying how frightened we are for our kids & grandkids, and the world they will live in.
We need to remember that God saved them for THIS time....because they are strong enough to handle it.
WE just need to do everything in our power to help them see their true potential....and He will help them reach it. 😇💙💜🙏

Motherhood. One minute your kids are so frustrating you wanna pull the hair from your mangled ponytail. The next - they do something to make your heart explode.
Like when your oldest decides to pour everyone their nightly milk and lead them in a “Cheers!” before bed.
Or when they use their Easter buckets to scout out dragons in the woods or send themselves into outer space on their rocket ship.
It’s easy to say, “Slow down - take in every minute, because you’ll never get them back.”
But that’s hard.
It’s hard to put off responsibilities. It’s hard to turn off reality.
But every so often, sandwiched between the messes and mayhem, are moments so precious - so priceless - nothing else seems to matter.
It’s not always possible for life to slow down, but we can savor these moments; take a minute to breath them in - and catalog them in our minds.
Then we get to have them with us forever. 😘
Went to DC for the first time! Wasn’t sure what to expect - definitely did not expect to tear up as much as I did; WW2 Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial... an emotional day!

I watched my daughter's first ever Little League game today --- there were about 8 dads on the field keeping the madness moving forward --- and I loved it!
I love watching men do masculine things. I love seeing dads do dad things.
To you men out there doing your best and keeping it manly --- I appreciate you!! We need you!

"Our focus was to get Trump out of office....we were creating a story...I think it's propaganda...fear sells." -- Charlie Chester, CNN Technical Director
Watch. And. Share. Link here.

"It is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks, who in any way deign to think for themselves." 🤛🤛
Strong parental figures ✅
Hard work ✅
Faith ✅
These are the reoccurring themes in the life of the second African American Supreme Court Justice.
This documentary was so uplifting and inspiring, makes you wonder why Amazon stopped streaming it.....🧏♀️
Go watch it. You won't regret it. Only $5 to rent here.

"[The Civil War] was largely an ideological one, a fight over what America really was and where America had actually begun.
---->Was it the Jamestown colony in Virginia, built on gold and slavery? 💰💔
---->Or was it the Plymouth colony, built on God, faith and covenant? 🤍🙏
....their covenant...was the thing Lincoln and the North utilized to save the country and bring forth a new birth of freedom for all."
(Glenn Beck, Foreword for "The Pilgrim Hypothesis")
[Image of 'National Monument to the Forefathers - Faith Liberty Education Law Morality', found at Facebook page of the same name.]

Please see past the propaganda friends. Your pain and compassion have been exploited for money, votes and power...it's...that...simple.
"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well.” ------ Booker T. Washington, 1911
Read article here.