Like many of you, I recently watched “Sound of Freedom”. I’ve followed Tim Ballard’s work for years and have studied this topic at length. I went simply to show my support.
But here I am. Seven days later and the film -- still -- weighs heavily on my heart.

Here are some ideas to get you started:
-Go see "Sound of Freedom".
-Follow, support, donate, fundraise for organizations that fight human trafficking and online exploitation: Here are just a few.
-Complete this two-hour course from Texas Health & Human Services to learn more about identifying human trafficking.
***Understand that human trafficking occurs in every state and every neighborhood (poor and rich). Kids are trafficked by family members and other trusted adults, strangers they meet on the internet as well as organized crime groups.
-Start a Students Against Trafficking Club in your high school or university.
- Call on your elected officials and police departments to make the battle against sex trafficking a top priority. Ask them what you can do to help.
-Start a coalition in your town, lead when no one else will.
-Sign this petition to hold Porn Hub executives accountable for streaming child rape videos and contributing to child sex trafficking.
-Write your city, county, and state representatives. When I wrote my local officials about sex trafficking I was assured it’s not a problem. A few clicks on Google and I had articles showing otherwise.
-Start a letter writing campaign with your friends. Write your local news/media outlets and demand they cover this rarely mentioned topic.
Read and share the following articles. **WARNING** They are disturbing. B.U.T. the information is too important to ignore. Educate yourself so you can educate others.
1) I’m a 37-Year-Old Mom & I Spent Seven Days Online as an 11-Year-Old Girl. Here’s What I Learned. (The reality of online predators.)
2) How to imagine the unimaginable (How to protect your child from predators.)
3) The Essence of Evil: Sex with Children Has Become Big Business in America (How porn and sex trafficking are linked.)
4) Our Sex-Crazed Culture is Devouring Our Kids (Porn, child sex assault, online exploitation, human trafficking and how they all connect.)
-Teach your young children about these topics. “God Made All of Me” and “Good Pictures Bad Pictures” are a good start.
-Talk to your older children about sexting, predators on the internet, etc. Officer Gomez (on Facebook) is a FANTASTIC resource.
-Find out where your money is going and what you are supporting with it:
-Several movies and shows sexualize kids in various ways.
-Several Hollywood directors, producers and actors have been accused and/or convicted of sexual assault, some with children.
......Why are we watching their work and giving them our money?
-There have been two Tedx talks recently about how pedophilia is an “unchangeable sexual orientation” that people are born with. Pay attention.
-Pray for the people helping the victims of trafficking; pray for the victims.
-Turn off the porn. If you think it’s harmless, please do some research, you can start here:
-If you know your porn use is a problem but are having trouble kicking the addictive habit, there is help:
-STOP WATCHING & SUPPORTING SOFT PORN. When we view entertainment that is sexually suggestive, has sex scenes, nudity, strip club culture, S&M, and the likes, this is all part of what TIM BALLARD calls, “the pornification of society”.
And it has led us to this point.
