Go & Do
We are living in extraordinary times - and I am just an ordinary woman. Raised with a love of God, country and family, like many of you I have watched with heartache as our nation strays from the principles that once united us in greatness and instead turn to the government for answers. Repair comes from the bottom up;
---> faith strengthens families
---> families create culture
---> and culture determines policies.
At "Go and Do" we honor all things:
GOD- as charitable service is the key to a fulfilling life and can be what unifies us, even in our differences.
COUNTRY- as this is the freest land the world has ever known.
And FAMILY- as this unit is fundamental to the success of society; as families breakdown, so has it been with our country.
Those of us with traditional beliefs need not be embarrassed or intimidated to speak-up and share what we believe. We do, and will continue to respectfully tolerate the beliefs of those we disagree with and expect the same in return. Come with me as I edify, educate and empower the quiet majority; edify to see the good in humanity and our great nation, educate with facts, and empower to take this knowledge to go ---> and do.
My name is Ajalon (pronounced ah-zha-lahn, like Hakeem). It's an Israeli valley mentioned in the Bible. My middle name is Joi, (that’s 'joy' spelled in French) because - obviously - my name wasn’t unique enough. Place those in front of my maiden name DeMarco, and on paper, I was often mistook for a boy from the Middle East; I am neither. I grew up on a mile long dirt road in the sweltering heat of southern Arizona. At 18 I traded flip flops, cactus and sweat for snow boots, pine trees and a four mile dirt road in northern Arizona, the place I call home. I currently live in a 930 square foot home in New York, near the Canadian border. I am the proud wife, daughter, niece, granddaughter (x2), cousin and sister of veterans and I absolutely revere the military. Raised by loving, loud and quirky parents, my four siblings and I embody these Italian American traits as they especially come out at family functions. I have a bachelor's degree in elementary education with a minor in psychology and spent 14 years working with kids of all ages as a teacher, administrator, camp counselor and more. At age 25 I met a studly younger man with wranglers, red hair, a red neck and this...

I fell in love with him in spite of it. (It had longhorns on the front bumper, complete at Christmastime with a wreath — that lit up!) After six painful years of trying to start a family, I am humbled to have given birth to three babies in three years. They are now my life as I support my husband in his career. I have been told that I can be heartless (mainly from wimps and whiners) because of my “just suck-it-up” approach to life. This couldn’t be farther from the truth as I just want to see people take care of themselves so they can be happy; I especially have a soft spot in my heart for girls and women who struggle. I am a life-long Christian and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, while I ascribe to their teachings, frankly I am grateful for anyone these days who believes in God. However I respect the rights of those who don't and love them just the same! I have an aversion to all things trendy or techy; case in point I had a flip phone until 2015. I’ve backpacked through Hawaii and Western Europe, traveled to 49 states, and when I stretch I sound like an elk.