Fact: Screen time for young children has negative consequences.
90 Percent of a child’s brain develops by age 5, until then it’s like a little sponge.
New study found low levels of white matter (part of brain important to language, literacy and cognitive skills) in children ages 3-5 who used more than the recommended one hour per day of screen time.
Affects ability to pay attention and think clearly
Causes poor sleep
Reduces parent/child interaction
Why It Matters: About 90% of kids are using screens by age one, and up to 5 hours a day.
What You Can Do:
A child’s early years need human interactions to develop social, critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Read, sing, listen to music, build, play
American Academy of Pediatrics suggest calculating your child's media time and then establish a family media plan.
My suggestion; put the screens away -not down – away.
Kids need their parents, nature, and books to develop, not TV’s, tablets and phones.