Fact: Women with zero premarital sexual partners are least likely to divorce.
"Women with 10 or more partners were the most likely to divorce.
Women with 3-9 partners were less likely to divorce than women with 2 partners; and,
Women with 0-1 partners were the least likely to divorce."
According to studies, “Americans reporting one lifetime sex partner have the happiest marriages.”
Why It Matters: Women initiate about 70% of divorces in the US. And divorce is “highest among adults aged 25-39, with the majority of divorce occuring at the end of the first five years.”
What You Can Do:
Frequent, open dialogues between parents and kids about sex are more productive than one, big “talk”.
Discuss benefits and risks of sexual relationships vs abstinence
Start age appropriate sex talks early
Discuss with daughters, especially preteen and teenagers, difference between romanticized love/sex portrayed in media vs real life
Discuss the difference between committed relationships vs "hook-up" culture and consequences of both
In reality most American's sex lives are NOT what is portrayed in media. Explain to kids that it's not that uncommon to wait until you're older, and fully ready to engage in sexual relations, or even married. And there are benefits to doing so.
