Fact: The more traditions a family has, the stronger and more connected they will be.
Greater marital satisfaction
Children learn social skills and have higher self-esteem
Provide sense of identity and belonging
Kids thrive when things are predictable; brings a sense of security
Kids have something to look forward to.
Improved health and academic achievement in children
Why It Matters: Families are spending less time together: according to one study, just 37 minutes on weekdays.
What you can Do:
Reserve one night a week for “Family Night”. This is a great time for family meetings, games and activities, scripture study and lessons.
Make a calendar (weekly, monthly, yearly), and schedule traditions so you can plan and not let them fall by the wayside.
Incorporate some traditions from mom & dad’s childhoods
Create new traditions as a family
Keep it simple; also it’s ok to scrap an idea if it sounded better than it actually was.
Here is a list of over 100 ideas to get you thinking.