This has become one of my favorite scriptures. In the 13th chapter of Matthew, New Testament, we’re introduced to a plethora of parables and layered lessons that can sometimes leave you scratching your head.

Smothered between the haphazard farmer and the small sphere of eye candy, is this humble allegory consisting of only three lines:

What does this even mean?
This always fell my mental wayside, because - let’s be honest - leaven is not a commonly used word in the vocabulary of Ajalon. Or anyone for that matter.
I’m embarrassed to admit that it wasn’t until recently, (like, really recently) that I understood this. Leaven is a “raising agent” found in many forms, but most commonly used when baking bread. Maybe it’s because I’ve become a well versed cook in my older years that I realized yeast…is a type of leaven.
So when Jesus taught that the "kingdom of heaven" (or the Church) is like leaven, He’s saying we’re like yeast.
YEAST! That simple, unassuming, small ingredient, that when properly utilized and mixed throughout a mass of dough….does something magical!

Well not magical, it’s chemistry, but simply put it reacts with other chemicals in the dough to lighten and soften the mixture, causing it to rise.
In the world, but not of the world
Could there be, a better analogy for our purpose today!?! As the scripture teaches, we, followers of Jesus Christ, are the leaven. We have a call to act, to encourage others to rise.
General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder M. Russel Ballard explains:
“… In spite of all of the wickedness in the world, and in spite of all the opposition to good that we find on every hand, we should not try to take ourselves or our children out of the world. Jesus said, ‘The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven,’ or yeast. We are to lift the world and help all to rise above the wickedness that surrounds us….[we] need to influence, more than we are influenced.”
This is even more interesting to me since I’ve spent the last two years living in Amish country. I had never seen an actual Amish person until moving here; now I’ve seen many. While there is much to respect and admire about their way of life, (self-sufficient, delicious baked goods, industrious kids: one time I saw a 10 year-old driving a horse-drawn wagon by himself--what?!?), I believe our role as Christians is not to separate ourselves into our own enclaves and limit our interactions, as appealing as that may sound.

No really, I get it! It's tempting. But we're supposed to live in the world, not of the world. Our job is to live righteously, but also, stand up for righteous principles and show people that it can lead to happier, healthier lives.
Don’t be. Just be the yeast.
Yeast itself is a bland, barely noticeable single-cell organism. It’s not flashy or showy, it simply gets mixed in among the dough, and when heated - when the pressure is turned up – the yeast does its job. And it doesn’t just rise in sporadic places based on its location; it effects the entire mass.
I think everyone is pretty aware that we are living in extraordinary days. Even the nonreligious acknowledge that times are crazy; people feel the weight, they sense the confusion. I read this scripture as not only an invitation, but a beckoning - a commandment, to influence society.
What you can do
When others are lulled into pacification---we are critical thinkers and leaders.
When people are cruel---we are kind and compassionate.
When the world judges and criticizes---we listen and look at the different perspectives.
When others yell and degrade---we speak with kindness and civility. (Even online.)
When we are in the wrong---we are honest and humble.
When entertainment is crude---we not only turn it off, but disconnect, unsubscribe, and walk away.
When the world's standards for entertainment lowers---we advocate for entertainment that is "of good report" and refuse to settle.
When people are confused---we search out truths and teach.
When people argue about our history---we study so that we might better understand.
When our countrymen forget the Constitution---we educate them on the principles therein.
And when others sit idly by, preoccupied with the frivolous---we are "anxiously engaged in a good cause" to help our fellow-man.
Be an example. Be a leader.
Be the yeast.
