To my big hearted friends who drank the BLM koolaid (and drank it hard), here are some stats I'm guessing you haven’t heard.
90 million….the number of dollars BLM raised in 2020 alone.
0….the amount BLM gave back to the Minneapolis neighborhoods decimated by the riots.
4….the number of mansions BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors has purchased since 2016.
12 million….the combined cost of these homes.
200,000….amount BLM contributed to the George Floyd Memorial Foundation.
969,459….amount BLM paid to a media company ran by the father of co-founder Patrisse Kahn-Cullor’s son. (Seriously it’s on the tax return.)
200,000….dollars BLM contributed to the Trayvon Martin Foundation. (Trayvon’s 2012 death spearheaded the BLM movement.)
8,024,626….the amount of a grant BLM designated to a Canadian organization….owned by co-founder Patrisse Cullor’s wife…Janaya Kahn.
32 million….amount BLM invested in stock market.
0….the amount BLM national chapter distributed to the Brooklyn, NY chapter. (19.6% of blacks in Brooklyn live under the poverty level.)
2.6 million….dollars BLM donated to LGBTQ+ organizations.
25….the number of local BLM chapters in the US and UK that filed lawsuits against the BLM Global Network Foundation over mismanaged funds.
Unknown…dollars that went to Ahmaud Arbery’s family.
2024….the year, I predict, BLM will emerge from their mansions to lead more riots, protests... and fundraising campaigns.